Lakeview Village

Experiential Touchpoints for a New Lakefront Community

Event Activation & Interactive Media
Lakeview Village will be a 177-acre mixed use waterfront community in Mississauga, Canada. The partners needed to communicate a unified vision to the city, community and stakeholders.
Community engagement became a central theme going forward in presenting the master plan. Creating content that was informative as well as engaging – going beyond plans and drawings, included life-size video screens, VR tours, interactive stations and digitally activated physical models. Interactive web media and social platform specific content was created to support ongoing engagement online.
My role included concept development, design, production and coordination of interactive experiences to showcase the multiplicity of ways to understand and engage the Lakeview Village development.

multiple approaches to interaction and event activation


experience concept sketches

Activation Concept Development
Initial Site Activation Design Exploration
Initial Site Activation Design Exploration
Model and Messaging Display Concept
Model and Messaging Display Concept
Projection and Installation Ideation
Projection and Installation Ideation
Visitor Flow Layout Concept
Visitor Flow Layout Concept
discovery centre interior displays
Discovery Centre Interior
Discovery Centre Interior
Digital Content Display
Digital Content Display
Digital + Physical Model
Making a Master Plan an Illuminating Experience
A combined digital and physical model became a principal mode of explaining the multiple layers of the project's design. It became an excellent speaking point for visitors and the design team alike to gather around in discussion on the scope of the project.
I helped formulate the concept and design to develop a translucent 3D-printed model mounted to a custom acrylic surface on a 4K display, allowing the model itself to be illuminated through different elements of the video presentation below unfold.


Alternate map modes on model screen

screen-mounted master plan presentation model


model lighting activation

Interactive Model Lighting
Making a Performance of Light
Following the success of the display model for community engagement, a larger scale master-plan model was developed for Lakeview's Discovery Centre: the long term presentation space for the development.
I led the concept development and team coordination of dynamic lighting performances within the model as controlled interactively with an iPad interface. The lighting shows were created to reflect 8 thematic pillars of the community's vision.

light experience themes & ipad UI flow diagram

Discovery centre Model | lighting performance design pre-visualization

Interactive Map
Bringing the Master Plan to Life
An interactive overview of the master plan was created as a dedicated station to promote exploring the various elements of the community. This combined a base real-time interactive model as well as pre-rendered high fidelity content to give a compelling understanding of the future community. I provided creative direction coordination between our studio, technical artists and the client in delivering the experience.

Video showcasing features of the interactive touchscreen map

design for web-based 3d interactive map
Online Experience
Creating a Model Community
Following the first touchscreen version I led the design of an online experience that incorporates a webGL based environment.
Incorporating detailed imagery, 360 media and detailed pop-up information, the map allows users to explore Lakeview Village in its entirety, while using a curated overview to keep the experience accessible and engaging. The experiences come full circle going by engaging the community through events and online.

Experience Flow Diagram | Applying Interactivity on Multiple Screens

Event Projection
Creating an Immersive Vision
To place visitors into the new development, life-size cinemagraphs were projected throughout the community activation. This provided a highly engaging means for the community to appreciate the range of activities and locations available in the new development. These were developed to add great value to the high end still imagery, building upon the media to create alternate ways of activating the community space.

Life size cinemagraph projection

VR & 360 Experiences
In-Situ Visualization
VR productions became a key feature in community meeting sessions to grasp the scale and enjoyment of Lakeview. The 360 assets created continued to undergo re-envisioning as new types of experiences, including on-site AR tours, and 360 projection environments, leveraging the immersive qualities of the media into new touch points.

vr experience adjacent to on-screen 360
at community activation

lakeview village in 360 projection environment

360 projection concept design

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